Teaching Framework

Quality Teaching for Quality Learning

At Caulfield Grammar School we recognise the impact that quality teachers have on student learning outcomes. We have a passion for innovation in education, offering blended technologies, contemporary learning facilities and resources, and a globally focused and adaptive curriculum. Central to this innovation is fostering student and teacher agency.

Excellence in Teaching & Innovation

We attract and retain outstanding and highly credentialled teachers, specialists and support staff – fostering innovation and collaboration to deliver a broad and balanced range of learning experiences and resources for each student to thrive. With ‘quality learning’ at its heart, our dynamic continuous improvement approach helps anticipate and plan for emerging skills and careers and underpins our innovative teaching and learning practice and priorities.

Teacher Agility & Student Agency

Our campus-based Teaching and Learning teams collectively develop strategic priorities, focusing on research-based practices to ensure a consistent, high-quality experience for every student. Through our Quality Lesson Design Model, students learn from expert teachers while actively engaging in their own learning, sharing ideas and collaboratively critiquing each other’s understandings.

Quality Lesson Design Model

Research shows that teacher quality is a major influence on student outcomes. At Caulfield Grammar School, all teachers engage in weekly professional learning shaped by our Quality Lesson Design Model, AITSL Standards and Strategy Plan 2019–2031. This model ensures consistent research-informed practices with clear objectives, explicit teaching, and regular progress assessments across every classroom.

Professional Learning

Teachers engage in year-long learning explorations based on our Quality Lesson Design Model, informed by international research on effective teaching. Using evidence-based ‘Walk-Thrus’ strategies, educators share practices across campuses and learning areas, collaboratively creating environments that maximise student learning.


AccessCGS is our online student learning environment – enabling collaborative and visible learning processes. The CGS Learning Devices plan is designed to provide a comprehensive and pedagogically sound toolset for blended learning. Our approaches evolve with and leverage the dynamic digital landscape to keep creating future-focused and powerful learning experiences.

Embedding Inquiry

Guided by the Early Years Learning Framework and inspired by Reggio Emilia principles, our Junior School educators embed the IB Primary Years Programme, showcased in Year 6 exhibitions. Our award-winning learning spaces support the concept of “environment as educator”, while our Middle Years Programme builds transferable skills and agency, providing a strong foundation for purposeful learner experiences in Senior School.

Explore Learning at Caulfield Grammar School

3-Year-Old-Kinder - Pre-Prep

Early Learning

Early Learning
Early Learning – Year 6

Junior School

Junior School
Year 7 - Year 9

Middle School

Middle School
Caulfield Campus Senior School Teaching & Learning building
Year 10 - Year 12

Senior School

Senior School