Students are required to attend Caulfield Grammar School’s course face-to-face in school facilities on campus. Depending on course components, a student’s course may also include:
The School offers access to a range of language courses through the Victorian School of Languages.
In addition to the School facilities and resources made available to students during their time at Caulfield Grammar School, the School requires students to purchase a range of resources depending on the subjects that they elect to study. Each year a booklist is published and sent to families to complete an online order through our supplier, Campion. These booklists are available by year level and carefully put together by our Learning Area Leaders and Heads of Teaching and Learning at each campus.
In addition to specific textbooks or eBooks for subjects, students may need to purchase:
In addition to the booklist, students from Years 7–12 are required to purchase a laptop of choice for use in their classes. It is recommended that devices are brought to school in protective cases with security locks activated. The cost of a laptop is dependent on the device selected; an indicative cost of a laptop is $1,500 to $3,000. The indicative cost for booklists is between $500 and $1,000.
These lists are subject to change as denoted and some items are optional.
Uniform Shop Uniform Look BookOverseas students are invited to attend a number of orientation events, with the first of them held in November in the year prior to their commencement. This is a good opportunity to meet other students and key staff.
An orientation session is held on the day prior to school commencing to again welcome and familiarise each student with key staff, room locations and essential items required for a smooth transition and successful start the following day.
For boarding students, orientation commences in the two to three days prior to Term One with in-house activities and information sessions for both parents/guardians and students to ensure a smooth transition. Parents and guardians are invited to spend an overnight session in the boarding house with their students to experience life first-hand as a boarder.
An International Student Orientation Seminar is held in the first week of Term One in which students are provided important information on culture shock, homesickness, adjusting to life in Australia, homestay and boarding, child and youth safety and security, visa conditions including school attendance and satisfactory academic progress, Student Safety Card, who to contact in an emergency, key staff, school rules and expectations, complaints and appeals.
Throughout Term One, both the Head of House and the International Student Coordinator closely oversee the daily progress of each student to ensure they are transitioning well into their busy lives at Caulfield Grammar School.
Students are formally assessed at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2. Report assessments are based on classwork, assignments, homework and subject examinations. Reports are provided to parents and caregivers.
Parent-teacher interviews are conducted each semester for all year levels and the nominated caregiver is expected to attend each of these sessions and provide feedback for the family on the progress of their child.
Overseas students may undertake VCE English as an Additional Language if they meet certain criteria. Additionally, the school offers English classes for international students (EAL – English as an Additional Language replaces ESL – English as a Second Language).
As a member of the Associated Public Schools of Victoria (APS), Caulfield Grammar School students are expected to participate in weekly interschool Sport competitions, as well as at School and House levels. All students from Years 7–12 are required to participate in a compulsory competition program on a Saturday morning and training twice a week.
Sports offered include athletics, badminton, basketball, table tennis, cricket, cross-country running, diving, football, gymnastics, hockey, lawn bowls, netball, rowing, soccer, softball, tennis, swimming and volleyball.
Find out more about Sport at Caulfield Grammar
Caulfield Grammar School offers a dynamic and broad Arts program led by specialist teachers. Arts subjects include: Music, Music Technology, Music Performance, Visual Arts, Studio Arts, Visual Communication and Design, Creative Digital Media, Theatre Studies Performance or Production, and Dance. Private tuition in Singing, Speech, Drama and most musical instruments is available, and students may join a wide variety of musical groups and theatre productions.
Find out more about The Arts at Caulfield Grammar
The School expects all students to attend every lesson every day. Students cannot expect to achieve strong results if their attitude to study and attendance is irregular. If the student is unwell and unable to attend school, their parent/caregiver/homestay is requested to notify the School before 9am by using the CaulfieldLife app.
If a student arrives late, they need to sign in on the Student Attendance System at the Head of House Office.
Continual or regular non-attendance will be deemed unsatisfactory. If the student is unwell and has a medical certificate, this will also be assessed as absent.
Both the International Student Coordinator and Head of House monitor student attendance.
Should a student’s attendance begin to show irregular patterns of attendance, the Head of House and International Student Coordinator will arrange a formal counselling session to be attended by the student, caregiver and homestay if applicable. This session will be documented and noted in the student’s file and will be followed up by ongoing meetings and counselling should the student attendance not show improvement. Caregivers are expected to keep parents well informed of the School’s concerns.
Irregular patterns of attendance will normally be mirrored by irregular academic progress, and it is the intention of the School to ensure that each student produces the highest academic result they are capable of.
If a student’s attendance falls below 80 per cent, the School will be required by the Department of Home Affairs to report the student for unsatisfactory attendance. This may result in the cancellation of the student visa.
If a student needs to leave school and return home prior to term break holidays they must provide the Head of Campus or Deputy Head of Campus with notice in writing from their parents at least six weeks prior to the anticipated departure date and only in exceptional circumstances.
Students will be expected to attend school up until and including the Thursday prior to the last day of the school term, departing from campus no earlier than 12 noon. Students not complying with the early departure rules will be deemed absent from school.
Students must be in attendance on Day One of each term commencement.
It is unacceptable for the student to return late from a Term Break unless this has been requested in writing by parents/guardians and approved by the Head of House in the previous term.
Students not complying with above early departure or late arrival requests will be deemed as in default. The School is under obligation to report a student default to the Department of Home Affairs on the fifth day of non-approved late commencement at the start of each term.
View School Term DatesShould a student not commence at the School, all tuition, boarding and boarder’s deposit are refundable. The Application for Enrolment and Confirmation of an Offer of Enrolment fee are non-refundable.
Fees and expenses are payable within 14 days of an account being rendered, for current school families. If such terms cannot be adhered to because of personal or financial difficulties, application must be made in writing to the CFO. In addition, the School reserves the right, which may be exercised at any time, to refuse to allow a pupil to continue their education at the School, while any fees remain unpaid.
The School policy of refund of fees, and the availability of the complaints and appeals process, does not remove the right of the student to take further action under Australia’s Consumer Protection Laws. One full term’s notice in writing of the intention to withdraw a student from the School is required, otherwise an amount equal to 15 per cent of the annual fee is payable in lieu thereof. Personal information about a student may be shared between Caulfield Grammar School and the Australian Government and designated authorities and if relevant the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager. This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student of a student visa condition.
Caulfield Grammar School has a Critical Incident Policy in place in the event of a serious incident occurring. All staff are made aware of the need to immediately report any incident to members of the critical incident team, who will then implement the documented procedures.
Education Agents: (Australian Homestay Network) (International Student Alliance)
Complaints and Appeals: (Overseas student Ombudsman)
Requirements: (ESOS legislative framework) (Department of Home Affairs – Immigration and Citizenship)
General Information: The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework (The official Australian Government website for studying in Australia) (Guide to living in Melbourne)