Caulfield Grammar has always been innovative. Since its founding by Joseph Henry Davies in 1881 with just nine students, the School has transformed from a conservative boys’ school to a trailblazing co-educational school. With more than 3,500 students from ELC to Year 12 across multiple campuses, Caulfield Grammar is one of the largest independent schools in Australia today.
Often at the forefront of educational change in Melbourne, innovative approaches to education include Australia’s first Outdoor Education campus at Yarra Junction in 1947, the first Science and Technology Centre in a primary school, the first overseas campus in China in 1998, and the award-winning Year 9 Kakadu Program in Northern Territory.
At Caulfield Grammar School, there is a palpable sense of pride in the past along with confidence and excitement for the future. With an ever-present focus on learning innovation, the School remains focused on supporting young people to develop a ‘Mind for life’.
1881 Rev. J H Davies founds Caulfield Grammar School in Elsternwick, Victoria, with just nine students.
1888 Rev. E J Barnett becomes the School’s second headmaster after Rev. J H Davies leaves for Korea as Australia’s first missionary.
1896 W M Buntine becomes the third headmaster, bringing with him 55 boys from the school he founded, Hawksburn Grammar School.
1909 Caulfield Grammar School moves to Glen Eira Rd, St Kilda East, to a modern school building.
1911 First recorded international student, Wilkie Lum, attends from 1911–1916.
1913 First recorded international boarder, Charles Ying, attends from 1913–1918. He was also a school prefect.
1931 A school council is formed (School Company) to oversee governance of the School when Headmaster W M Buntine retires. In the same year, the School celebrates its jubilee.
1947 Caulfield Grammar School establishes Australia’s first rural centre at Yarra Junction, inspiring a model that has since been duplicated by many schools.
1958 Caulfield Grammar School is admitted as a member of the Associated Public Schools (APS) of Victoria.
1961 Caulfield Grammar School is affiliated with Malvern Grammar (founded 1890).
1967 Purchase of land that would later become the site of Wheelers Hill Campus.
1978 A new strategic plan is devised for Caulfield Grammar School‘s future, aiming to realign the curriculum with modern education needs and practical applications, including increased focus on science and technology.
1979 Shaw House, primary campus from 1949 in Mayfield Street, East St Kilda, closes at the end of the year.
1981 The School celebrates its Centenary and the opening of Wheelers Hill Campus as a co-educational campus.
1993 Female students commence at Caulfield and Malvern campuses.
1997 Opening of four classrooms for Years 5 and 6 and an Early Learning Centre with a three-year-old Kindergarten program at Malvern Campus.
1998 Caulfield Grammar School’s fifth campus, Newton Hall – Nanjing Campus, opens in China. This bold vision, led by Caulfield Grammar Schools eighth Principal Mr Stephen Newton AO, sets the foundation for authentic international experiences for thousands of Caulfield Grammar School students.
2000 Opening by Dr Peter Ellyard of the Earth Studies Centre, “Wadambawilam”, and the new dairy and Eco Cabins at Yarra Junction.
2003 New Early Learning Centre opens at Wheelers Hill Campus.
2005 Twin Halls Project: Identical halls and chapels built at Caulfield Campus (Cripps Centre) and Wheelers Hill Campus (Lindsay Cuming Auditorium) after Memorial Hall at Caulfield Campus burns down on Cup Weekend 2000.
2006 Caulfield Grammar School celebrates its 125-year anniversary and the book Outside the Square is published in commemoration.
2018 Caulfield Grammar School welcomes new Principal Ashleigh Martin and implements a strategic plan to inspire a mind for the future.
2021 Caulfield Grammar School celebrates 40 years of Wheelers Hill Campus and co-education at Caulfield Grammar School. See our Anniversary story and video here.
2021 Yarra Junction celebrates 75 years of Education Outdoors and real-life learning experiences.
2021 Year 9 Kakadu Program is launched.
2022 Caulfield Grammar School Reconciliation Action Plan is launched.
2023 Caulfield Grammar School celebrates 100 years of the House system.
2023 Caulfield Grammar School and Shelford Girls’ Grammar School announce that the two educational institutions will merge in 2025.