We’re proud to share with you our 45 Scholars for 2019. Congratulations to the following students* who are placed in the top 2% of the state with ATARs of 98.00 or more:
*Five of our Scholars were not available to provide permission to publish their names.
Congratulations to Hugh Jiang, our Dux for 2019. Hugh gained an ATAR of 99.90, placing him among the top 0.10% of graduates across Victoria.
Hugh commenced as a student of our School in Year 7, 2014. During this time he has embraced a number of opportunities available to him, and has been a positive contributor to our School in a range of areas. In Music, he was a member of the Chamber Choir, The Cadences and Boys Chorus. In Sport, he was a member of the 1st VIII Badminton Team (2017-2019) and participated in both Basketball and Table Tennis. Hugh was also an active member of Wilsmore House.