The Foundation, which was established in 1979, provides opportunities for the community to support the School by making tax-deductible donations to the Foundation’s Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Public Ancillary Fund to benefit our students.
We value the generous support of our community and recognise that any contribution is significant to the future of our School and our students. Our community is what differentiates us and we are very grateful for any support we receive for our students and staff. Every gift makes a difference. All funds donated through the Foundation are protected in separate accounts and carefully allocated to the area of interest nominated by the donor. No philanthropic funds are transferred into the general operational accounts of the School.
Scholarships help to create an inclusive and connected community and generate opportunities for young people who will benefit from a world-class education. The School has a proud tradition of offering needs-based scholarships to students who will thrive at Caulfield Grammar School and add to the culture and diversity of our student body. Giving students with a passion for learning the opportunity to join and be a part of the School enriches and strengthens our whole learning community.
Our current Scholarship priority areas are as follows:
Tax-deductible gifts can be made via our Scholarship Fund to support students who would otherwise not have the opportunity to access an education at Caulfield Grammar School.
Scholarship Fund DonationsCaulfield Grammar School is revitalising an ambitious master plan for facilities that provides purposeful and adaptive learning environments and underpins all strategic decisions based on the development of the physical landscape of all five campuses.
Through donations to the Foundation Building Fund, our community has the opportunity to contribute to the School’s exciting future plans and the building of progressive, inspirational and sustainable learning spaces, which play a vital role in the education of our students.
Tax-deductible gifts can be made via our Building Fund, which are used to develop physical facilities and infrastructure across all campuses.
Building Fund DonationsGeneral tax-deductible gifts can be made to the Caulfield Grammar School Foundation through the Public Ancillary Fund for the Board to manage and allocate according to current School priorities.
Phone: +61 4990 76074